P. 10

5. Increased Automation

      A big question being asked on every platform

      these days: whether AI will take jobs away
      from people?

      It is quite clear that the use of AI will increase

      automation in several industries. For
      example, Amazon has already started using

      robots in its operations to enable higher                              TOP TRENDS IN
      speeds and greater accuracy.

      So, the rise of AI will adversely impact low-                                                     AI
      end jobs. However, a lot of high-end

      Designers and Researchers would be required
      to provide AI solutions. So, high-end jobs will

      To sum up, use of AI continues to increase

      dramatically due to its integration with IoT
      and machine learning and will profoundly

      impact humanity in the near and distant

                                                                                   Elon Musk , CEO of TESLA ,

                                                                                   warns  that  AI  could  be
                                                                                   dangerous  to  people  .  He

                                                                                   specifically wants a ban on

                                                                                   any  type  of  autonomous

               v o l a t i l e   U n c e r t a i n   C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s

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