P. 8


                                                           COMPANY'S CLIMATE CHANGE INACTION

                                                          Employees are demanding that the company

      a PROTEST AGAINST                                   achieves zero emissions by 2030

      CLIMATE CHANGE INACTION                            More than 900 employees working at Amazon's Headquarters

                                                         in Seattle will stage a walkout on 20 th September , protesting
                                                         their Company's failure to take action in the fight against

                                                         Climate Change.

                                                                                       The protest is scheduled to begin at 11.30
                                                                                                            Pacific time on September , 20 and  is

                                                                                                            part of a worldwide general strike
                                                                                                            taking place ahead of the UN

                                                                                                            Climate Action Summit on 23rd Sep.

                                                                                                            The protest is led by 16-year old
                                                                                                       ac vist Greta Thunberg.

                                                                                                            Amazon employees are likely to be
                                                                                                            joined by  those from Microsoft and

                                                                                                            Google .
                                                                        Earlier this year, over 4000 Amazon employees formed

                                                         Amazon  Employees  for  Climate  Justice  which  co-signed  an
                                                         open  letter  to  CEO  Jeff  Bezos  and  the  Company's  Board  of

                                                         Directors  asking  them  to  adopt  a  comprehensive  Climate
                                                         Action Plan , which would include:-
                                                         *  the  Company's  commitment  to  become  a  zero-emissions

                                                         company by 2030.
                                                         * the Company ending all its partnerships with oil  companies.

                                                         * the Company stop funding lobbyists and politicians who deny
                                                         Climate Change is a real threat.

               v o l a t i l e   U n c e r t a i n   C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s

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