Page 11 - Mountain Medicine Directory - Winter 2017
P. 11
How Easy is Your Diet?
by Bruce K. Bowen, M. D.
As a Board Certified Physician in medical The most effective & safest way to lose
weight loss, every year I attend conferences weight is with a physician-directed program.
regarding weight loss to learn the latest
Only a medical doctor can
research about losing weight. customize a unique plan based on
your medical history.
In one of the conferences, we learned about • Lose an average of 27 pounds in
the “Twinkie Diet”. As far as I know, only one 12 weeks
man has ever gone on the twinkie diet, and he • 95% maintain weight loss after
did it just to prove a point. When you are one year
losing weight, how much weight you lose • Now covered by many insurers
really doesn’t depend on the type of food • One-on-one with a physician --
(protein, carbs, or fat) that you eat, it only Board Certified in Obesity
depends on the number of calories you Medicine
consume. The science says that any low- • We are now offering a new one-
year weight maintenance program
calorie diet will result in weight loss, and the Call or go online to be connected with Dr. Bruce Bowen.
twinkie diet is just a case in point.
However, there are other factors to consider 1450 E Valley Rd, Suite 101 • Basalt, CO 81621
when you, as my patient, go on a diet. Factors 970-927-1444
such as how hungry will you be during the
diet, how tired will you be on the diet, and At Sopris Medical Practice, you will learn
how healthy you will be at the end of the diet. how to curb hunger, how to make a healthy
And of course, will you be able to maintain a lifestyle be fun, and how to make the diet
healthy lifestyle afterwards. All of these itself less difficult. We will teach your about
factors are very important, both to you and proper protein consumption, the power of
me. It is true that any calorie-restricted diet positive self-talk, and how to create a
will succeed in weight loss, but the real supportive environment in your home. A
question is just how difficult will the diet be, healthy lifestyle is not something you can
in terms of your hunger and your energy learn about and switch to overnight. There
levels. will be challenges, obstacles, and trial-and-
error endeavors. And that is exactly why we,
If you’re going on a diet, you want one that is at Sopris Medical Practice, are here to coach
easy to stick to, gives you enough energy, you and help you.
tastes delicious, and is healthy. The best diet--
to suppress hunger, provide energy, and So yeah…you can go on any fad diet, like
maintain your health--is a diet rich in whole the twinkie diet, and lose weight. But if you
foods, high in fiber, and low in refined sugars. want to lose weight without being constantly
The diet should be complemented with lots of tormented by hunger, then such diets would
water and should supply all the vitamins and not be a good choice. If you want to keep the
minerals you need. It is a diet that focuses on weight off, be more energetic, and stay
whole foods, fruits and vegetables, unsat- healthy, then a physician-directed program
urated fats, and lean protein. will be your best choice.
Bruce K. Bowen, M.D.
1450 East Valley Road
Suite 101
Basalt, CO 81621
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