Page 27 - Consider The Lillies of the Field - My Story: Jill Kemp
P. 27

The original owners of Palmer's Nurseries in Auckland were Christians
           and  their  sister,  Mrs.  Jackson,  sent  her  daughter, Marion,  to  school,
           with  3  yards  of  brand  new,  green  and white  gingham  material,  for  my
           sewing,  after  she  told  her mother  how  sorry  she  felt  for  me.  Mrs
           Jackson  had  never even met me! I have never forgotten her kindness. I
           was con-stantly  in  trouble  at  school  for  not  having  completed  my
           homework, the teachers never knowing that I was not allowed to do it at
           home, so I tried to fit it in during school hours. It wasn't until just before
           I was to sit my School Certificate Sec-ondary  School  Examination,   that

           the  teachers  realized  the difficulties I was having and contacted my
           parents. It was one of the greatest disappointments of my life, that although
           I was bright at school, I failed to pass the examination because of a terrible
           upset I had home on the morning of my Geography paper which caused
           me to arrive at the exam half an hour late and in my stressed state forgot
           to take any coloured pencils from my bag. I was too shy to ask the
           Examiner for them so my paper was handed in without any of the maps
           being col-oured  and  I  failed  to  pass  the  paper  by  only  a  few  critical
           marks. This disappointment added to my already low self es-teem.

           There  were  many  other  precious  people  too  and  my  best friend at
           school was also a Christian! The loving kindness of Christian people to my
           sister and me as we were growing up, was incredible. What about you?
           What about your neighbour? What about  that  little  kid?  How  can  you
           help?  Can you  be Jesus'  hands?  I  saw  kindness  in  Christians  and  I
           thought, “When I grow up I want to be like them, I want to be a Chris-tian.”

           I fell in head over heels in love with Bob, at school, when I was  nine
           years  old  (although  he  never  knew.) I  carved  his name on my
           windowsill and I prayed for him for nine years, never, ever really
           expecting that he would be the least bit in-

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