Page 28 - Consider The Lillies of the Field - My Story: Jill Kemp
P. 28

terested in anyone like me. I thank God today for answering my prayers
           and giving me such a wonderful, stable, Christian husband, who loves me
           and is my best friend. (He does find it impossible  to  understand  the  trauma
           we  suffered  as  he  had such  a  stable  childhood  himself  and  he  has  more
           difficulty with forgiving Mum than I do!)

           When  we  moved  to  Henderson  God  gave  us  something  so amazing - he
           gave us Christian neighbours and they prayed for us! They heard yelling

           and us kids crying out. I used to cry out, “Have mercy! Have mercy!”
           Can you imagine your neighbour's kids crying out for mercy?  It would be
           so upset-ting. Mr. Dixon invited us to Sunday school. He took many of the
           local children in the back of his little truck and I can re-member him
           playing his piano accordion, his face shining as he  sang,  “He  lives,  He
           lives,  Christ  Jesus  lives  today,  He walks with me and talks with me
           along life's narrow way.” I heard about Joseph and the pit. He cried in the
           pit! He didn't get saved out of the pit, but God was with him in the pit. One
           Sunday morning Mum and Dad went early to the vegetable shop and we
           were left to wait for a ride to Sunday School. Things had been really
           difficult at the time and we took the opportunity to pack some things in a
           blanket and run away. (Of course we came home when it got dark because
           we were scared - hiding or no hiding!) Dad was frantic and fearing we had
           drowned in  the  creek nearby,  searching  there,  fell in.  I worked for years
           to pay off the cost of new slippers and un-derwear,  but the  worst
           punishment  of  all  was  that we  were not allowed to go to Sunday school

            When I was about 12 years old, our neighbours invited me to “Oil town
           U.S.A.” the very first Billy Graham film showing at the local picture
           theatre and I was allowed to go! My heart was  touched  as  I  heard  the
           Gospel  message.  I  was  given  a card, which explained how you could
           give your life to Jesus and I filled it in. At the first opportunity I searched
           the house
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