Page 32 - Consider The Lillies of the Field - My Story: Jill Kemp
P. 32

to  me,  “Jill,  it’s  all  right  for  you  to  be  an  up-front  leader, you're so
           confident but I could never do that.” Or they will say, “Jill, you’re
           amazing.” But I know that I am a miracle - it is God who is amazing!   If
           they only knew how much I had been crushed. I was so shy I couldn't walk
           on the same side of the  street  as  someone  in  case  they  looked  at  me;  if
           I  saw someone coming I'd cross over to avoid having eye contact. I couldn't
           look in a mirror for years and if I went to speak and people turned to look
           at me I would get in a panic and my words would all come out wrong
           or I would say something entirely inappropriate and get embarrassed. It
           was agony. But God took my life and, like an onion He slowly peeled off
           the layers of hurt and damage.

           I  often
           think that
           when  I was a
           child if I
           could    have
           looked into
           the future and
           seen myaelf
           now  I'd have

           thought  that  I
           had died  and
           g o n e     t o
           Heaven! I have
           sheets on my bed! My little granddaughter flopped backwards   my
             day    she  said,  “Granny,  you've  got  a “Princess’s bed!” And I
           have! Its all cream lace and I've got this  lovely  headboard  with  a white
           and brass  wrought  iron   head! I have got   princess’s bed   it's
           waterbed! I thought how blessed I am! I'm loved, I've got a family, little
           grandchildren  and  I am a miracle.  I should  not  be standing here tonight
           but for the grace of God. My sister said to me today, “If it hadn't been

           for God we wouldn't have survived or
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