Page 34 - Consider The Lillies of the Field - My Story: Jill Kemp
P. 34

After her experiences in a Concentration Camp, during World War 2,
          Corrie ten Boom loved to say, “ There  is  no  pit  so deep  that  He  is
          not  deeper  still.”  My sister and I have personally experienced that

          Maybe there is someone in your life you need to forgive. Tell God about
          it, asking him to heal each hurtful memory as you bring each thing
          specifically to your mind and ask him to for-give the other person,
          remembering as you do how precious they are to God. He loves the
          person, not the deed. So, I can truly say that God was with me in the

          pit; that He takes our difficulties and will turn them to good in your life,
          if you'll let Him. He wastes nothing. I believe that self-pity is one of the
          most common factors in preventing emotional healing in peo-ple's lives.
          Just thank God for the difficulties and trust Him. I am so thankful for the
          times I went through. I am thankful for all  of  those  hard  times  because
          they  have  made  me  the woman I am today.  I challenge you today to
          be a neighbour in your neighbourhood and in the community. Spread the
          love of God around, because that is what saved me.

          God can  take  the most  devastating  events  in our lives and turn
          them into our biggest gift - if we let him.  I  have  written  close  to

          200 simple  Bible  story  books, each with sequential comic style
          illustrations by Rich-ard Gunther. These are all FREE to print from
          our web-site and are used by thousands of teachers world wide.
          These  have  been  translated  into  many  languages.   All those

          hours and hours reading my little Bible where not wasted. Whoever
          would have imagined I would have a world wide ministry?
          Only God!
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