Page 31 - Consider The Lillies of the Field - My Story: Jill Kemp
P. 31

I was terrified to visit her, even after I was  married.  I'd go there and I'd
           feel all the old insecurities come back. Nothing I did was right, she was
           always critical of me and I felt so un-comfortable that I avoided visiting
           or even phoning her. But God  gave  me  a  courage  when  I  was  afraid  to
           go  and  see Mum,  I'll  read  it to  you  from  Isaiah  Chapter  50  verse  6.  It
           talks about when Jesus was afraid to face hurt. “I  offered my  back

           to  those  who  beat  me  and  my  cheeks  to those  who  pulled
           out  my  beard.  I  did  not  hide  my face  from  mocking  and
           spitting,  because  the  sover-eign Lord helps me I will not be
           disgraced. He who vindicates  me  is  near.”  God impressed on my

           heart, “Go and  visit  your  mother,  show  her  love,  show  her  kindness,”
           and I went in obedience. It wasn't easy but it was made easier because I
           knew to whom she belonged. Jealousy is a terrible thing.

           There is a verse in the Bible in Proverbs 27:4   which says: Wrath  is
           cruel  and  anger  is  outrageous  but  who  is able to stand before
           envy? (jealousy.) People ask me why Mum did this to us? I tell them it
           was because she was sleep deprived, because she was jealous, because she
           had  suffered a nervous breakdown and because of her background. That is

           no excuse to abuse children, but it did help me to understand. One thing I
           know for sure is that the suffering I went through has given me a heart of
           compassion for people with needs and it has put “iron  in  my  soul.”  One
           of the hardest things to overcome is fear; I had terrible panic attacks,
           nameless terror. Heart palpitations and fear even at the thought of having
           to pick up the telephone and talk to Mum. It takes courage to face your
           fears. But God has given me courage. He has given me  joy  and  peace.
           Sometimes  when  I  ask  people  if  they would come and help me at
           mainly music they will often say

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