Page 33 - Consider The Lillies of the Field - My Story: Jill Kemp
P. 33

we  would  have  ended  up  with  real  mental  problems.”  God was
           sufficient for me and He will be sufficient for you too.

           One  of  the  keys  to  my  wholeness  was  forgiveness  and  an-other was
           dealing with self-pity. I used to have “pity parties” like you wouldn't
           believe! It was so sad because of what I had been through, I felt so sorry
           for myself. But one thing I learnt is that no one likes to go to someone
           else's pity party! Many years ago I suffered a nervous breakdown and I
           faced all the things in my life that I have talked about here today. I could
           never think about them without feeling the hurt and getting upset,  so  if
           ever  a  thought  came  into  my  mind  it  was  as though I would quickly
           retrieve it and stuff it back in. I felt like a bottle full of fizzy ready to
           explode with all this pres-sure inside. When I had the breakdown God
           made me face all these hurts and I went back through my life, just me and
           God together, and one at a time I thought about each hurt, asked God to
           heal it and because Jesus had given His life for that very sinful act, to
           forgive Mum for that thing (like the mitts for  example.)  I  could  never

           think  about  it  before,  let  alone talk about it. For me to be able to stand
           up here today and express these things without feeling upset shows how
           com-plete the healing is. When I faced each thing individually in this
           way the pressure I felt inside was gone instantaneously! It was truly

           Jesus also said:
           Don't  repay  evil  with  evil,  but  overcome  evil  with good. 1
           Peter 3:9:
           Love your  enemy, do good to those who despitefully use you.
           Matthew 5:44

           Bless them that persecute you. Romans 12:14
           These are attitude-changing principles and they work! I asked God to bless
           Mum every time I think of her. At first it nearly choked me to say it, but
           now I mean it!
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