Page 123 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
P. 123

     General Safety & Appearance
• •
 Remove any broken materials or items that are worn and in
 disrepair. Stains must be cleaned from upholstery and carpeting.
 Monitor areas for safety hazards created by broken items.
 First impressions are important. Entry desks, counters, hallways, and
 general areas must be neat, orderly, and free of debris. Discard trash
 and other clutter items from areas.
 Restroom Upkeep
 Clean restrooms promote good health practices with members.
 Ensure that restrooms are properly supplied with materials for toiletry
 and handwashing. Staff must monitor restrooms for safety,
 cleanliness, and free of members at play in restroom facility. Any
 issues should be addressed immediately and properly documented.
 Member Cleaning Restrictions
 It is important for youth to learn to contribute to a healthy Club
 environment. It is appropriate to allow youth to help in clearing areas
 and putting away program materials. Youth may not clean with
 chemicals, sprays, or other hazardous materials.
 Please refer to policy manual for additional details regarding Club Facility
Verbal/email communication when needed to address issues of cleanliness
or disrepair.

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