Page 69 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
P. 69

Sanitary should mean that all restroom fixtures, hardware, accessories and surfaces within reach must be regularly cleaned. Functional shall mean that all restroom physical features are fully functional. Safe means the rules for conduct are established and enforced. Attractive shall mean that finish surfaces are maintained in good repair and all graffiti is promptly removed.
Each individual Site operated by BGCS shall develop and document practical strategies for ensuring the safety of restrooms.
Staff observing unacceptable restroom conditions shall communicate to the Branch Director. Staff observing inappropriate conduct by members or adults shall intervene to stop behavior and report it to the Branch Director, as soon as possible.
Branch Director shall document, in writing, restroom conduct incidences. Branch Director must inform the Chief Operating Officer who will determine next steps. Depending on the incident, actions may include one or more of the following:
• Communication to Chief Executive Officer & HR (depending on severity)
• Communication with the parents/guardians of the Club members
• Disciplinary action s against the persons involved or alleged to be involved in an incident
• Reporting to the Department of Child Safety or law enforcement
• Notifying the organization’s Chief Volunteer Officer
• Notifying Boys & Girls Clubs of America
• Notifying the organization’s insurance carrier.
Policy No. 502 – Member Cleaning Restrictions
No youth under the age of 14 shall ever use any type of chemicals or cleaning products (such as Windex, bleach, pre-soaked wipes, etc. to clean surfaces or mop bucket chemicals to clean floors). Members might be asked to tidy up or organize Club areas (such as bookshelves, cubbies or storage areas), to clean surfaces with paper towels and water, or pick up trash. Where appropriate, gloves will be provided in these circumstances.
Policy No. 503 – Branch Ongoing Maintenance, Renovations & Building Changes
Any ongoing maintenance or building changes such as renovations, changing colors of painted walls, addition of murals, and changing the use of a program room must have the prior approval of the Chief Operating Officer. Add paint swatches and other renovation changes to the Facility Book.

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