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            Complete Piping Solutions

            providing Parflange  F37 technology – and its implementation

            More than a superior component    Moving the technology forward      Parker’s CPS team is on the jobsite
            supplier, Parker is positioned    Parker is the worldwide leader in    providing the necessary expertise
            globally as a system partner for    tube fitting and adapter technology.   throughout the entire piping project.
            non-welded piping systems. We     Numerous connector innovations
                                              and advancements are attributed to
            have combined the innovative      our engineering and customer-centric    Consultation and Design
            Parflange F37 non-welded piping   collaborations. Our Parflange® F37    The Parker CPS team of engineers
            system with a broad array of piping   system is the proven alternative    offers expert consultation and
            services in Parker’s Complete     to time-consuming and costly       design services.
            Piping Solutions (CPS). For industries   welding, and we continue to expand
            ranging from energy and mining    this product range to solve new    During consultation, the customer’s
                                              customer challenges.
                                                                                 project requirements are reviewed
            to metals processing, testing                                        with the CPS engineering team to
            systems and more, Parker CPS      The complete services advantage    determine the best-suited services.
            tailors piping solutions to maximize   By coupling the best non-welded    Technical and commercial require-
            our customers’ profitability.     piping system with a complete      ments are reviewed. Line sizing,
                                              engineered piping services package,   clamping requirements, routing, and
                                              CPS offers incomparable assurance,   environmental and safety concerns are
                                              efficiency and value for our customers.   considered during this early stage, as
                                              Our Parflange F37 technology is    well as early commercial options.
                                              supported with engineering consulta-
                                              tion, design, state-of-the art piping   Parker’s CPS team provides a tailored
                                              fabrication facilities and on-site    proposal to match the customer’s
                                              installation. Currently, Parker operates   technical and commercial require-
                                              five CPS centers located worldwide   ments whether the project is a line
                                              with additional centers opening soon.  expansion, retrofit of existing piping

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