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system or for OEM piping assemblies. By using cold drawn seamless tubes, Parker provides best-in-class
This key collaborative planning the non-welded Parflange F37 system non-welded piping systems. Whether
provides a solid foundation for is inherently cleaner than welded the scope of the project requires the
subsequent design work, as well as piping systems, providing the benefit of complete redesign of a welded piping
for fabrication of piping assemblies reduced system flushing time. The CPS system or the fabrication and delivery
at a CPS center or on site. center employs Parker filtration and of a pre-engineered non-welded piping
condition monitoring technologies to assembly, Parker CPS will engineer
As the project enters the design bring piping cleanliness to document- a solution to maximize customer value.
stage, Parker’s engineer-to-engineer ed customer requirements. On-site
collaboration with the customer leak-proof testing services can also be
ensures that all technical requirements specified.
are met. Depending on the scope of
work, piping assemblies are designed Parker delivers fabricated pipe
either on the jobsite or at the CPS assemblies to the worksite. These
center. Our piping designers are pipe assemblies will be protected,
experts in on-site measurement/ labeled and ready for installation by
surveying, development or modifica- the customer or Parker. Flare Flange
tion of detailed piping drawings,
and steadfast review of customer With the largest CNC cold bending
technical specifications and applicable capabilities in the industry, Parker’s
standards. CPS team specializes in the factory
fabrication of pre-bent piping assem-
Prefabricated Assemblies blies. These assemblies reduce much
and Installations of the on-site design and fabrication
Parker’s CPS team migrates the upfront and allow for the most efficient instal-
piping engineering to factory prefab- lation on the jobsite. When the project Retaining Ring
ricated pipe assemblies with several does not allow for prefabrication of
installation options. assemblies, Parker’s CPS technicians
dispatch these capabilities to the job.
Parker is fully engaged in the on-site
installation of piping assemblies.
A Parker CPS project manager leads
the team of trained installers to Light Duty
maximize installation throughput and
quality of installation work. Parker’s Robust technology is the foundation
lead role in overseeing the project from
start to finish, and in ensuring that of Parker Complete Piping Solutions
the installed piping system meets all (CPS). Parflange F37 non-welded
requirements, instills a high degree piping systems utilize standard SAE
of customer confidence. Code 61/62, ISO 6162 and ISO 6164
With state-of-the-art CNC large- and flange interfaces. Parflange F37 is
small-capacity bending equipment, The on-site piping installation fully complemented with Parker’s
as well as all complementary pipe end service also enables quick reaction to
finishing equipment, the CPS team unforeseen project obstacles or design fabrication equipment and a broad
expertly manufactures prefabricated changes. Costly project delays and range of interconnect components,
piping assemblies. downtime are dramatically minimized. valves, clamps and seamless tubes.
Application Specific Piping Solutions
Some projects may require significant consultation and design services, while others may only need
prefabricated pipe assemblies from a customer supplied print. Customers have the ability to choose from
the breadth of services provided through the Parker CPS center – whether this is prefabricated piping assem-
blies delivered to the jobsite, on-site piping fabrication or a more turnkey approach including installation.