Page 9 - Parker - Table of Contents
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PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT The Latest From Parker, Your Fitting Authority.
Phastite Pipe Connectors
deliver permanent, highly efficient non-welded piping solutions
A breakthrough in pipe connection
systems, Phastite connectors bring
the proven technology of mechani-
cally attached fittings to fluid and gas
systems in a wide range of sizes.
Phastite non-welded piping Key benefits include:
connections provide permanent, • Reduces install time for piping
leak-free connections quickly and systems in NPS sizes 1" and
efficiently. OEM or repair applications
can be completed in less than three 1-1/2" (complete selection of
minutes as costly, time-consuming 3/4" to 2" available soon)
and hazardous welding can be • Reduces dye penetrant testing
eliminated. Parker has adapted the • Reduces post welding RT/X-Ray
tube-sized Phastite technology to expenditures
medium and heavy schedule nominal • Reduces requirements for
pipe size (NPS) range of 3/4" to 2". special pipe sizing or beveling
• All 316/316L SS construction
• HCT – Heat Code Traceable
• 6000 psi / 415 bar pressure
rating at 4:1 design factor
• Inherently safe and clean
• No post-weld clean up or cool
down period required
• No post-weld chemical cleaning
or passivation required
• No hot works permits required
• Simple hydraulic assembly tool