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PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT The Latest From Parker, Your Fitting Authority.
Parker Dual Seal Flange Adapters
for safer, more reliable flange connections in subsea applications
Dual Seal Flange Adapters use
both a radial seal and face seal to
achieve a leak-free port connection,
eliminating traditional SAE flange
connection problems.
Face Seal
Radial Seal
Parker’s Dual Seal Flange Adapters Key benefits include: Illustrated above, the primary radial
improve the reliability of high-vibration, • Incorporates both radial and seal improves this adapter’s pressure
high-shock hydraulic four-bolt face sealing methods for capabilities to 7500 psi while affording
connections in critical oil and gas improved sealing and port additional system integrity. The face
applications. retention seal provides resistance of external
• Available in standard Code 62 pressures introduced by the
Dual Seal Flange Adapters incorporate footprint sizes: ½", 1" and 1 ½" application environment.
both radial and face seal technologies, • 7500 psi / 515 bar working
reducing the potential for system pressure rating with 4:1
leakage and air or water ingression design factor
caused by side loading of traditional • NACE MR0175 Compliant
flange face seal connections. • SAE 316/316L stainless steel
This Parker innovation is offered as • Heat Code Traceable
an alternative to traditional SAE Code • Tested to 1 million impulse
62 Flange connections for improved cycles for proven reliability
port retention, increased sealing • Face seal design includes
capability and elimination of costly captive O-ring for superior
field replacement due to failure. retention
• SAE Code 62 bolt pattern enables
use of standard flange hardware
• Seal-Lok , Triple-Lok and
socket weld configurations