Page 5 - Parker - Bottled water filtration
P. 5

Branding and local legislation

            Understanding the application

            Throughout the world, there are three   If the product is to be marketed as
            main classifications of bottled water   natural mineral water (NMW) in                     What’s in your bottle ?
            recognized; natural mineral water,   Europe, then the Official Journal of
            spring water and table water.     the EU specifies that “any disinfection
            Depending upon the country where the   treatment by whatever means and, the
            water is produced and the intended   addition of bacteriostatic elements or    Natural mineral water  Spring water               Bottled water
            country of consumption, regulations   any other treatment likely to change the
            apply to the production techniques   viable colony count of the natural mineral
            used for each type of bottled water. For   water shall be prohibited”.   Natural mineral waters must   Bottled at source and microbially   Bottled water or “table water”
            example in Europe please see Directive                        be bottled at source, via a direct   safe at source. Does not require   must comply with local
                                                                          pipeline from source to bottle.   a stable mineral content.   drinking water  standards and
            2009/54/EC, for American standards   With these requirements in mind, it is   Water must be microbiologically               can be treated, disinfected, or
            see IBWA.                     important to promote a grade of    safe at source without                                     de-chlorinated. Removal and
                                                                          disinfection and have a stable                                remineralization is permitted
                                          BEVPOR filter which can retain these
                                                                          mineral content.                                              to create a desired mineral
            These regulations influence the levels   contaminants but not influence the                                                 balance and taste. Carbon
            of treatment which are permitted to   natural microflora of the source water.                                               dioxide may be added to create
                                                                                                                                        a sparkling water.
            produce each product, so care must be   In this case, a fully validated
            taken to understand the restrictions of   sterilizing grade BEVPOR filter would
            each individual plant when proposing   be unsuitable for bottled water
            filtration solutions.         marketed as NMW.  The micron rating
                                          of the BEVPOR product can therefore
            It is essential that the bottled water   be decided through a consultative
            must be safe to drink, so it must be   process to clearly define the target
            free from pathogenic organisms such   contaminants required to be removed,
            as:                           whilst protecting the natural
            •  Eschericia coli            microflora present from the source.
            •  Faecal streptococci
            •  Non-sporulated sulphite reducing
            •  Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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