Page 8 - Parker - Bottled water filtration
P. 8
Application 3. Clarification
Understanding the application
Water entering a bottling facility directly If chemical modification of the source Point of entry
from a source is sometimes referred to as water is permitted (for anything other filtration
point of entry (POE) and will require than natural mineral water),
clarification filtration to remove any adsorptive carbon filtration of the water
➌ insoluble contaminants such as sand, silt can be employed to reduce any chlorine
or debris before entering intermediate or chemical taints which could
storage. otherwise affect flavour or cause Clarification
precipitation issues. Use of a carbon
Typically the filtration employed for this granulated filter will require a trap filter
requirement will be designed to handle a downstream to collect any carbon
high and variable particle loading. fines entering the process.
Key filter requirements
Carefully selected retention and Where unstable components such as iron • Ability to withstand blockage under
construction of the filter at this stage in and manganese result in precipitation of variable particle loading
the process will greatly influence the small particles, backwashable • Stable construction for reliable
performance of further downstream clarification filters such as PEPLYN HA particle retention
filtration and overall process efficiency. provide an efficient means of removal. • Strength to withstand high
• High flowing
• Large format for high • High depth for variable • High filtration area
area and high flow particle loading • Designed for backwash
• Ease of use to • Excellent retention and regeneration
changeout resistance to blockage
Size guide Size guide
20¨- 40m 3 /h 10-15l/min/10¨cartridge
40¨- 80m 3 /h 0.6-0.9m 3 /h/10¨cartridge
60¨- 120m 3 /h See page 15 for rating guide
See page 16 for rating guide | 8