Page 4 - Parker - Inks, paints and coatings industry
P. 4
Resin process
Resins such as acrylics, alkyds,
epoxies and polyesters are key
constituents to paints and inks, and
with the development of more and more
Deionized water process sophisticated coatings, resin quality
The use of Polypropylene depth or high- specifi cations are becoming more
fl ow pleated fi lters on the deionization stringent. The variable process conditions
system is used to treat incoming mains in resin manufacturing processes can
water. Trap fi lters ensure that the make- result in high volume of polymorphous
up process water is of high-purity by contamination which affects the fi nal
preventing downstream contamination of fi nish of the coating by causing what
source water sediment or ion exchange is commonly known as ‘fi sh eyes’,
bead migration. Use of the correct fi ltration reduces
manufacturing costs by preventing
rework, reclassifi cation, and waste.
Coating process
Following fi lling and packaging,
it is vital to ensure that the
product remains contaminant
free and within specifi cation
during shipment. A point of use
(POU) fi ltration system at the
Coatings constituents end-user site reduces the risk of
and additives any contamination that may have
As paint, ink and resin Coatings manufacturing process entrained in the product during
formulations become ever (blending / thinning) delivery, storage and distribution
prior to coating on the substrate.
more complex and expensive, Milling and blending are critical steps and effectively defi ne
fi ltration to remove impurities the type of coating that is being manufactured. Any oversized
from raw materials becomes pigments that are present after the milling are removed by
increasingly important to ensure the use of ‘classifi cation’ fi lters. This ensures the correct
the quality of the fi nal coating pigment size distribution, optimizing the pigment dispersion
product as well as controlling rate during the blending stage and producing a fi nal product
manufacturing costs. within the required specifi cation.
Use of the correct clarifying fi lter upstream removes gels,
fi bers, agglomerates and airborne contaminants without
stripping out the required components of the paint or coating.