Page 6 - Parker - Inks, paints and coatings industry
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Large Diameter
Pleated Pleated
Fulfl o Poly-Mate ™ Fulfl o Poly-Mate Plus Fulfl o ParMax and ParMax Select
A unique combination of polypropylene melt High surface area and effi ciency Large diameter high fl ow cartridges.
blown and spun-bonded media provides high ‘All-Polypropylene’ pleated cartridges • Large diameter patented select pleat adds
surface area at retention ratings of 0.5 to 60 • Fixed pore construction provides ultimate up to 40% extra life
µm at 99% effi ciency. particle retention • High fl ow capacity permits use of fewer
• All Polypropylene construction maximizes • Pleat pack optimization offers high fl ow elements and cuts capital expenditure
chemical resistance rates and extended service life • Inside-out fl ow pattern ensures positive
• High pleated surface area for extended • Non-fi bre releasing enabling consistent capture of contaminants
service life, low pressure drop and high quality fi ltration performance • Absolute retention ratings for
fl ow capacity • One-piece integral construction is 100% critical fi ltration
• One-piece, continuous to 40 inches length, bonded for maximum cartridge integrity
integrally sealed pleated fi lter media
• Finish free and non-fi ber releasing
polypropylene construction
Fulfl o Metallic Polyfl ow Mini-capsule Evadur ™
With fourteen nominal ratings from 2 to 840 These encapsulated fi lters offer This high purity hydrophilic polyethersulfone
µm, the Metallic Filter Cartridges are the ideal absolute retention at 0.6 to 10 µm for membrane cartridge is designed specifi cally
choice for high temperature and high fl ow rate critical applications where cross-batch for high purity water and chemical fi ltration
fi ltration applications. contamination and hold-up volume are a applications with retention ratings of 0.03 to
• Available in 304 and 316 Stainless Steel concern. 0.65 µm.
• Temperature compatibility up to 500°F with • All Polypropylene construction • High purity polypropylene support
synthetic seals; up to 1500°F with NPT • Pleated encapsulated media with a variety structure
connections of inlet/outlet connection options • Thermally bonded to exclude liquid capture
• Cartridges may be cleaned and reused • High fl ow rate reduces processing time and extractables
• Welded and crimped construction • Long service life minimizes change out • Strict quality control on measuring
eliminates need for adhesives which frequency rinse-up, integrity testing, fl ow rate, and
can be a contaminant source and limit extractable levels
temperature range
Fulfl o coaxial fi lter bag basket Fulfl o fi lter bags Fulfl o pleated bags
This unique coaxial basket increases fl ow Low cost prefi ltration A cost-effective alternative with higher removal
rates of existing single length bag housings by • Standard fi lter bags fi t Fulfl o vessels effi ciencies over standard bags. The media
converting the housing to double length. and most major competitive models material options make it an optimum choice
• 316 Stainless Steel Construction • Felt bags come standard with glazed for inks, paints, and coating applications
• For use with double length (size #2) mesh surface treatment to effectively control requiring 1 to 90 µm capture at 99% effi ciency.
and needled felt media (100 micron and migration of fi bres into the fi ltered product • High capacity reduces fi lter quantity,
smaller) • In-to-out fl ow allows positive retention of decreases change-outs and lowers costs
• Retrofi ts all standard Fulfl o bag housings bulk contaminant • High capacity allows for smaller housings
(FB, CB, SB models) and most competitive • Low fi lter disposable costs and less capital expenditure
vessels • Inside/outside fl ow captures and retains
• Requires less head room for spent fi lter contaminates to eliminate potential fouling
bag removal downstream
• Fits CB, FB and SB bag housings