Page 7 - Parker - Inks, paints and coatings industry
P. 7
Fulfl o basket strainers Fulfl o XLH
Effectively remove large-sized particles rang- All-polypropylene high-effi ciency for quality
ing from US Mesh 100 to 20 (149 to 840 µm). fi ltration performance.
Fulfl o Basket Strainers are useful as prefi lters • Provide twice the dirt-holding capacity at a
for the collection of gross contaminants in lower cost than many competitive bags and
viscous liquids up to 15,000 SSU. cartridges of the same micrometer rating
• Constructed of 316 Stainless Steel • Require less frequent change out, minimal
• Available in two standard sizes to fi t all storage and disposal space, and are easy to
Fulfl o bag fi lter vessels install and remove
• Cleanable permanent media • Each bag is incinerable (with Quik-Seal™
• Designed for high fl ow rates and operating option), reducing fi lter disposal costs
pressures up to 150 psi
Fulfl o bag fi lter vessels Fulfl o cartridge fi lter vessels
Bag fi lter vessels designed for economical Cartridge fi lter vessels designed for
fi ltration of coatings applications economical fi ltration of coatings applications
• Single and multi-bag housings • Single and multi-cartridge housings
• Available in 304 or 316 SS • Available in 304 or 316 SS
• GMP Industrial design with ASME • GMP Industrial design with coded options
coded options (ASME, PED-CE)
• Vessels available as standard or • Vessels available as standard or
custom design custom design