Page 5 - Parker - Inks, paints and coatings industry
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Products for Inks, Paints & Coatings
Melt blown Melt blown Melt blown
Avasan ™ Fulfl o DuraBond ™ Fulfl o EcoBond ™
A specially formulated polypropylene polymer A thermally bonded rigid density High purity fi ltration with low cost
produces a uniquely graded density fi lter ‘classifi cation’ fi lter • Thermally bonded melt blown fi bre matrix
cartridge designed specifi cally for process • Thermally bonded bicomponent provides broad compatibility
water fi ltration. construction eliminates media migration • Continuous fi bre matrix prevents media
• Pure polypropylene construction • Fixed pore structure enables classifi cation migration and ensures consistent fi ltration
• Finish-free construction provides optimum of particles performance
fl uid purity and eliminates foaming • Polyolefi n construction offers broad • Superior inter-layer bonding eliminates
• Continuous bonding of fi bers throughout chemical compatibility contaminant unloading and channelling
the fi lter matrix ensures non-fi ber • Rigid construction eliminates contaminant • Narrow range fi bre size optimizes
releasing construction unloading and channelling consistency of fi ltration performance
• Graded density construction provides built- • Fibers are certifi ed silicone-free
in prefi ltration and longer life
Melt blown Stringwound Resin bonded
Fulfl o MegaBond Plus ™ Fulfl o Honeycomb Fulfl o ProBond ™
Absolute rated depth fi lter with high dirt Offer superior quality for effective particulate A patented double layer resin bonded fi lter
holding capacity removal from 0.5 to 150 µm at nominal • Outer spiral layer traps agglomerates and
• True graded density fi lter matrix enables capture effi ciency. large particles
controlled pore size and distribution • Broad range of media provide excellent • Inner control layer provides excellent
• Continuous fi bre matrix eliminates media compatibility with water, a variety of oils classifi cation effi ciency
migration and high fi lter effi ciency and organic solvents • Rigid fi bre matrix prevents gels and
• Free from surfactants and binders • Continuous strand winding geometry agglomerates from unloading during high
– can not contaminate fi ltered product provides consistent performance differential pressures and
• Pure grade materials of construction used • Various O-ring and end cap options pressure surges
ensuring fi lter integrity and performance available • Phenolic coated fi bres enable high
• Multiple length cartridges minimize temperature compatibility and
change-out time, eliminate spacers, and fi lter strength
are available to fi t competitor vessels • Fibers are certifi ed silicone-free
Pleated Pleated Pleated
Abso-Mate ® Claripor ™ Glass-Mate ™
Cost-effective and absolute rated for The best of pleated and depth technologies Offer better temperature resistance than
capturing particles 0.2 to 70 microns in size. combine in the Claripor to provide high fl ow standard polypropylene cartridges and
All-polypropylene construction, and without rates, excellent gel removal, and absolute absolute rated effi ciency for 0.45 - 40 µm.
adhesives that could potentially contaminate particle retention from 0.5 to 90 µm. • Absolute-rated media provides reliable
fl uids. • Graded density layering for superior removal effi ciency
• Non-fi ber releasing and contain minimal removal of amorphous particles • Thermally bonded end caps eliminates
extractables • Absolute retention ratings for critical particle bypass
• Single-piece construction eliminates bypass fi ltration • Laminated media maximizes fl ow capacity
concerns • Pleated construction yields high fl ow rates and minimizes media migration
• All-polypropylene construction offers wide compared to traditional depth fi lters • Non-fi ber releasing media with minimal
chemical compatibility with most chemicals • All Polypropylene construction extractables provide high purity fi ltration
• Absolute rated for consistent and reliable
performance (99.98%, ß=5000)