Page 3 - Parker - Instrumentation process analyzer condensed catalog
P. 3

Regulator Porting Guide

               Standard Configurations

                                      LP                                              LP    HP
                                                    LP    HP                                            LP   HP
               LP         HP    LP         HP    LP         HP    LP         HP     LP         HP    LP         HP
                     Instrumentation                                    Instrumentation
                                      Instrum entation  Instrum entation                 Instrum entation  Instrum entation
                                                                                                       LP    HP
                                                                        LP               LP
                    2P               3P               4P              4PB               5P                6P

               Special Configurations

                     HP                                LP               LP            HP    LP          LP   HP

               LP         HP    LP         HP    HP          LP   LP         HP    HP          LP   LP          HP
                     Instrum entation                                                                     Instrum entation
                                      Instrum entation  Instrum entation  Instrum entation  Instrum entation
                                      HP                                HP                                HP
                   3DP              3PP               3SP             4PP               4SP              5PP

                  HP    LP         HP    LP         LP    HP
                                                                      3     2     When ordering product, port
                                                                                                        Indicates direction of Flow
                                                                                  styles are identified by starting at
               HP          LP   HP          LP    LP         HP
                     Instrum entation                  Instrumentation                                  Placement of Relief Valve,
                                      Instrum entation                            3 o’clock and continuing in the
                                                                   4          1 Start                   if chosen
                                                                        Instrum entation  Point
                                                                                  counter clockwise direction.
                                   HP    LP            HP  MP
                    5SP              6SP         7P (2 Stage Regulators Only)

               Back Pressure Regulator Configurations (ABP1, ABP3 & BPR50)

                OUT        IN                     OUT        IN                IN
                      Instrumentation  Instrumentation  Instrumentation  Instrumentation
                                                        IN               IN
                                                                       OUTLET THROUGH BOTTOM
                    2BP               3BP              3PP              3PB
                                                 (Not available with BPR50)  (Not available with ABP3)

               Vaporizing Regulator Configurations (AVR3 & AVR4)

                    2P              2PL              3PG             3PLG              4PV              4PL      3
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8