Page 10 - Parker - The Handbook of Hydraulic Filtration
P. 10

Contamination Types and Sources

      Filtration Fact                        Damage                                is reached, ice crystals form, adversely
                                             ▼ Corrosion of metal surfaces
      A simple ‘crackle test’ will           ▼ Accelerated abrasive wear           affecting total system function. Operating
                                                                                   functions may also become slowed or
      tell you if there is free              ▼ Bearing fatigue
                                             ▼ Fluid additive breakdown
      water in your fluid. Apply a
                                             ▼ Viscosity variance                  Electrical conductivity becomes a pro-
      flame under the container.
                                             ▼ Increase in electrical conductivity  blem when water contamination weakens
      If bubbles rise and ‘crackle’
                                                                                   the insulating properties of a fluid, thus
      from the point of applied              Anti-wear additives break down in the  decreasing its dielectric kV strength.
                                             presence of water and form acids. The
      heat, free water is present
                                             combination of water, heat and dissimilar
      in the fluid.
                                             metals encourages galvanic action. Pitted
                                             and corroded metal surfaces and finishes
      Filtration Fact                        result. Further complications occur as
                                             temperature drops and the fluid has less
                                             ability to hold water. As the freezing point
      Hydraulic fluids have the
      ability to ‘hold’ more water

      as temperature increases.
      A cloudy fluid may become

      clearer as a system
      heats up.

                                                  Typical results of pump wear due to particulate and water contamination

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