Page 12 - Parker - The Handbook of Hydraulic Filtration
P. 12

Contamination Types and Sources

         Filtration Fact                     Prevention
                                             Excessive water can usually be        into standard filter housings and are
         Free water is heavier than          removed from a system. The same pre-  generally used when small volumes of
                                             ventative measures taken to minimize  water are involved.
         oil, thus it will settle to the
                                             particulate contamination ingression
         bottom of the reservoir                                                   Centrifugation
                                             in a system can be applied to water
         where much of it can be             contamination. However, once exces-   Separates water from oil by a spinning
                                             sive water is detected, it can usually   motion. This method is also only
         easily removed by opening
                                             be eliminated by one of the following  effective with free water, but for larger
         the drain valve.                                                          volumes.

         Filtration Fact                     Absorption                            Vacuum Dehydration
                                                                                   Separates water from oil through a
                                             This is accomplished by filter elements
                                                                                   vacuum and drying process. This
                                             that are designed specifically to take
         Absorption filter elements
                                             out free water. They usually consist of a  method is also for larger volumes of
         have optimum                                                              water, but is effective with both the
                                             laminant-type material that transforms
         performance in low                  free water into a gel that is trapped  free and dissolved states.
                                             within the element. These elements fit
         flow and low viscosity

                                                    Vacuum dehydration system
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