Page 11 - Parker - The Handbook of Hydraulic Filtration
P. 11

Contamination Types and Sources

                                    Effect Of Water In Oil On Bearing Life

                     250                                                     0.0025% =        25 ppm

                 % Bearing Life Remaining  150                               0.05%    =     500 ppm
                                                                                            100 ppm
                                                                                          1000 ppm
                                                                                          1500 ppm
                                                                                          2500 ppm
                                                                                          5000 ppm

                          0.0025 0.01            0.05                        0.10  0.15       0.25  0.50
                                                         % Water In Oil

                          Effect of water in oil on bearing life (based on 100% life at .01%  water in oil.)
                          Reference: ”Machine Design” July 86, ”How Dirt And Water Effect Bearing Life” by Timken Bearing Co.

          Sources                              Fluids are constantly exposed to water  Water can enter a system through worn

          ▼ Worn actuator seals                and water vapor while being handled  cylinder or actuator seals or through
                                               and stored. For instance, outdoor stor-  reservoir openings. Condensation is
          ▼ Reservoir opening leakage
                                               age of tanks and drums is common.    also a prime water source. As the fluids
          ▼ Condensation
                                               Water may settle on top of fluid con-  cool in a reservoir or tank, water vapor
          ▼ Heat exchanger leakage             tainers and be drawn into the contain-  will condense on the inside surfaces,

                                               er during temperature changes. Water  causing rust or other corrosion
                                               may also be introduced when opening  problems.
                                               or filling these containers.

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