Page 14 - Parker - The Handbook of Hydraulic Filtration
P. 14

Fluid Cleanliness Standards

        Filtration Fact                      In order to detect or correct problems,  The ISO 4406:1999 (International

                                             a contamination reference scale is
                                                                                   Standards Organization) cleanliness
                                             used. Particle counting is the most   level standard has gained wide accep-
        Knowing the cleanliness
                                             common method to derive cleanliness   tance in most industries today. This
        level of a fluid is the basis
                                             level standards. Very sensitive optical  standard references the number of par-
        for contamination control            instruments are used to count the     ticles greater than 4, 6, and 14 microm-
                                             number of particles in various size   eters in a known volume, usually 1 mil-
                                             ranges. These counts are reported as  liliter or 100 milliliters. The number of
                                             the number of particles greater than a  4+ and 6+ micrometer particles is
        Filtration Fact                      certain size found in a specified     used as a reference point for “silt” par-
                                             volume of fluid.                      ticles. The 14+ size range indicates the
        The ISO code index                                                         quantity of larger particles present
        numbers can never                                                          which contribute greatly to possible
                                                                                   catastrophic component failure.
        increase as the particle
        sizes increase

        (Example: 18/20/22).
        All particle distributions

        have more smaller than                    ISO CODE                 19 / 16 / 13
        larger particles.

                                                > 4 microns (c)
                                                                                               > 14 microns (c)
                                                > 6 microns (c)

                                                   An ISO classification of 19/16/13 can be defined as:

                                                      Range Number Micron (c) Actual Particle Count Range (per ml)

                                                       19             4+              2,500 - 5,000

                                                       16             6+                320 - 640

                                                       13             14+                40 - 80

   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19