Page 16 - Parker - The Handbook of Hydraulic Filtration
P. 16

Fluid Cleanliness Standards

        Filtration Fact                      Component Cleanliness
                                             Level Requirements
        Most machine and hydraulic           Many manufacturers of hydraulic and
                                             load bearing equipment specify the
                                             optimum cleanliness level required for
        manufacturers specify a              their components. Subjecting compo-

        target ISO cleanliness               nents to fluid with higher contamina-
                                             tion levels may result in much shorter
        level to equipment in
                                             component life.
        order to achieve optimal
        performance standards.               In the table below, a few components
                                             and their recommended cleanliness
                                             levels are shown. It is always best to
        Filtration Fact                      consult with component manufacturers
                                             and obtain their written fluid cleanli-
        Color is not a good                  ness level recommendations. This

        indicator of a fluid’s               information is needed in order to
                                             select the proper level of filtration.
        cleanliness level.
                                              It may also prove useful for any
                                             subsequent warranty
                                             claims, as it may draw
                                                                     Fluid Cleanliness Required for
                                             the line between nor-
                                                                     Typical Hydraulic Components
                                             mal use and excessive
                                             or abusive operation.                             ISO
                                                                     Components               Code

                                                                     Servo control valves     17/14/11
                                                                     Proportional valves      18/15/12
                                                                     Vane and piston          19/16/13

                                                                     Directional & pressure   19/16/13
                                                                        control valves

                                                                     Gear pumps/motors        20/17/14

                                                                     Flow control valves,     21/18/15

                                                                     New unused fluid         21/18/15

   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21