Page 20 - Parker - The Handbook of Hydraulic Filtration
P. 20

Filter Media Types and Ratings

        Filtration Fact                      The Multipass              Multipass Test

        Filter media ratings                 The filtration industry  Contaminant
                                             uses the ISO 4572
        expressed as a Beta Ratio                                                                      Downstream
                                             “Multipass Test                    Flow Meter               Sample
        indicate a media’s particle          Procedure” to evaluate

        removal efficiency.                  filter element perfor-
                                             mance. This procedure
                                                                                  P Gauge                Test
                                             is also recognized by                                       Filter
        Filtration Fact                      ANSI* and NFPA**.
                                             During the Multipass            Reservoir
        Multipass test results are
                                             Test, fluid is circulated      Variable Speed Pump
        very dependent on the                through the circuit                                         Upstream
                                             under precisely con-
        following variables:
                                             trolled and monitored
        • Flow rate
                                             conditions. The differential pressure  As an example of how a Beta Ratio is
        • Terminal pressure                  across the test element is continuously  derived from a Multipass Test. Assume
                                             recorded, as a constant amount of con-  that 50,000 particles, 10 micrometers
                                             taminant is injected upstream of the  and larger, were counted upstream
        • Contaminant type
                                             element. On-line laser particle sensors  (before) of the test filter and 10,000
                                             determine the contaminant levels      particles at that same size range were
                                             upstream and downstream of the test   counted downstream (after) of the test
                                             element. This performance attribute   filter. The corresponding Beta Ratio
                                             (The Beta Ratio) is determined for    would equal 5, as seen in the following
                                             several particle sizes.               example:
                                             Three important element performance
                                             characteristics are a result of the
                                             Multipass Test:
                                             1. Dirt holding capacity.
                                                                                          # of particles upstream
                                             2. Pressure differential of the test   B =
                                                                                          # of particles downstream
                                               filter element.
                                             3. Separation or filtration efficiency,
                                                                                     “x” is at a specific particle size
                                               expressed as a “Beta Ratio”.

                                             Beta Ratio
                                             The Beta Ratio (also known as the      B =          = 5
                                             filtration ratio) is a measure of the        10,000
                                             particle capture efficiency of a filter
                                             element. It is therefore a performance

                                              *  ANSI – American National Standards Institute
                                              ** NFPA – National Fluid Power Association
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