Page 19 - Parker - The Handbook of Hydraulic Filtration
P. 19
Filter Media Types and Ratings
Flow Direction
Depth Media Typical coarse fiberglass construction (100X)
The two basic depth media types that
are used for filter elements are cellu-
lose and fiberglass.
The pores in cellulose media tend to
have a broad range of sizes due to the
irregular size and shape of the fibers.
In contrast, fiberglass media consist of
fibers that are very uniform in size and
shape. The fibers are generally thinner
than cellulose fibers, and have a uni-
form circular cross section. These typi-
cal fiber differences account for the
Typical fine fiberglass construction (100X)
performance advantage of fiberglass
media. Thinner fibers mean more actu-
al pores in a given space. Furthermore,
thinner fibers can be arranged closer General Comparison Of Filter Media
together to produce smaller pores for
finer filtration. Dirt holding capacity, Capture Holding Differential Life In a Initial
Media Material Efficiency Capacity Pressure System Cost
as well as filtration efficiency, are
Fiberglass High High Moderate High Moderate
improved as a result.
Cellulose (paper) Moderate Moderate High Moderate Low
Wire Mesh Low Low Low Moderate High