Page 18 - Parker - The Handbook of Hydraulic Filtration
P. 18

Filter Media Types and Ratings

        Filtration Fact                      The filter media is that part of      Depth Media
                                             the element which removes the
                                             contaminant.                          For depth type filter media, fluid must
        Surface media can be                                                       take indirect paths through the materi-
                                             Media usually starts out in sheet form,  al which makes up the filter media.
        cleaned and re-used. An              and is then pleated to expose more sur-
                                                                                   Particles are trapped in the maze of
        ultrasonic cleaner is                face area to the fluid flow. This reduces  openings throughout the media.
                                             pressure differential while increasing
        usually the best method.                                                   Because of its construction, a depth
                                             dirt holding capacity. In some cases,
                                                                                   type filter media has many pores of
        Depth media typically                the filter media may have multiple
                                                                                   various sizes. Depending on the distrib-
                                             layers and mesh backing to achieve
        cannot be cleaned and                                                      ution of pore sizes, this media can have
                                             certain performance criteria. After
        it is not re-usable.                 being pleated and cut to the proper   a very high captive rate at very small
                                                                                   particle sizes.
                                             length, the two ends are fastened
                                             together using a special clip, adhesive,
                                             or other seaming mechanism. The most  The nature of filtration media and the
                                             common media include wire mesh,       contaminant loading process in a filter
                                             cellulose, fiberglass composites, or  element explains why some elements
                                             other synthetic materials. Filter media  last much longer than others. In gener-
                                             is generally classified as either surface  al, filter media contain millions of tiny
                                             or depth.                             pores formed by the media fibers. The
                                                                                   pores have a range of different sizes
                                                                                   and are interconnected throughout the
                                             Surface Media
                                                                                   layer of the media to form a tortuous
                                             For surface type filter media, the fluid  path for fluid flow.
                                             stream basically has a straight through
                                             flow path. Contaminant is captured on
                                             the surface of the element which faces
                                             the fluid flow. Surface type elements
                                             are generally made from woven wire.
                                             Since the process used in manufactur-     74 m
                                             ing the wire cloth can be very accurate-
                                             ly controlled, surface type media have a
                                             consistent pore size. This consistent
                                             pore size is the diameter of the largest
                                             hard spherical particle that will pass
                                             through the media under specified test
                                             conditions. However, the build-up of
                                             contaminant on the element surface
                                                                                           Surface  Media
                                             will allow the media to capture parti-
                                             cles smaller than the pore size rating.
                                             Likewise, particles that have a smaller
                                             diameter, but may be longer in length
                                             (such as a fiber strand), may pass
                                             downstream of a surface media.

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