Page 9 - Parker - Assembly/Installation
P. 9

4300 Catalog                                                                 Assembly / Installation
                                                                                           Port End Assembly

            Troubleshooting Port End Connections

             60° Cone (Metric, BSPP and NPSM)

              CONDITION                  PROBABLE CAUSE(S)             RECOMMENDATION

              End of swivel nut contacts hex  •  Wrong combination of swivel   •  Ensure that components are to the
              shoulder of adapter before   nut and adapter              same specification (even with the same
              cone and ball nose tightens                               type, there are different designs for
                                                                        60° cone fittings)

              Thread engagement seems    • Scratches or nicks on sealing    •  Replace components. These fittings
              adequate and swivel nut is     surface                    depend on metal-to-metal seal and
              tight but leakage still occurs  • Chatter marks on sealing    require smooth mating surfaces
                                           surface                      to seal

              There is leakage from the joint   • Inadequate make-up torque  •  Use proper torque to create a seal as
              and the swivel nut is loose                               well as prevent vibration loosening

              Swivel nut tightens, cone is   •  Inadequate or no chamfer in   •  Use components with proper chamfer
              tight but connection still leaks  adapter                 (very common occurrence with NPTF/
                                                                        NPSM 60° cone fittings). Male pipe end
                                                                        must have chamfer for proper
                                                                        sealing. Not all male pipe ends have
                                                                        chamfer as standard

            Tapered Thread (including BSPT, NPT and metric taper)

             CONDITION                   PROBABLE CAUSE(S)              RECOMMENDATION

             Thread galling              •  Most common in stainless    •  Replace fitting and apply proper thread
                                           steel, caused by friction and   sealant/lubricant to replacement fitting
                                           lack of lubricant             and tighten to appropriate TFFT

             Fitting leaks, even after    •  Sealant omitted or         •  Re-apply sealant to appropriate TFFT
             proper tightening             inadequately applied          and re-tighten
                                         • Damaged or cracked threads   • Replace fitting
                                         •  Cracked port                • Replace component
                                         •  Thread mixing of BSPT and   •  Determine port thread type and replace
                                           NPT threads                   fitting with matching thread type
             Insufficient thread         •  Quality problem with port or   •  Have port and adapter thread
             engagement (3 to 6 threads    adapter                       inspected; replace faulty parts
             of engagement required)     •  Too much thread sealant (tape)  •  Remove all thread sealant and
                                                                         re-apply 1 to 2 layers of tape

             Too much thread engagement  •  Typically port or adapter   •  Inspect port and adapter for proper
             (more than recommended 3 to   machining or wear problem,    tolerance or wear, replace faulty parts,
             6 threads)                    or port could be cracked due   retighten to appropriate TFFT
                                           to excessive torque

             Poor-quality threads or     •  Larger sizes are more prone to   •  Replace fitting with threads that
             damaged/nicked threads        having nicked threads due to   are free of scratches and nicks
                                           handling damage

                                         Dimensions and pressures for reference only, subject to change.

                                                             S9                        Parker Hannifin Corporation
                                                                                       Tube Fittings Division
                                                                                       Columbus, Ohio
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