Page 13 - Parker - Rodless Air Cylinders
P. 13

Catalog #AU03-0928/NA                             Sizing Guidelines
            Application Notes                                 Rodless Cylinders

            Intermediate Stroke Stop – Band-Type Cylinders
            Band-type rodless cylinders, by the nature of their  an intermediate position, more satisfactory results will
            design, will allow a very small amount of air to leak  be achieved using a three position valve with both
            externally including the P1X and P1Y which have     cylinder ports open to pressure in the center position.  A
            minimal leakage. To try to stop and hold a cylinder in  See Figures 2 and 3 for more information.

            Horizontal Load                                     Vertical Load
            The circuit in Figure 2 shows that equal pressure is  As shown in Figure 3, the table moves in the same
            applied to both sides of the piston when it stops which  direction as the weight in a vertical application. Install
            prevents the table from jumping out of position at  a regulator with a check valve to reduce the cylinder
            restart.                                            thrust on the upper side to balance the weight and force
                                                                on the lower side.

            Figure 2                                            Figure 3

            Other Application Considerations
            Work Environment                                    Cushion Adjustment
            System components should be mounted in areas free   Cushion adjustment screws are located on the side of
            from corrosive atmosphere, rain, water and direct   the endcaps of the cylinder. The cushion effect can be
            sunlight. If cutting oils, coolants, oil mists, etc. are  reduced by loosening the cushion screw (turning
            present, the cylinder should be covered or protected to  counterclockwise). If the cylinder is subjected to high
            avoid damage to the seals. Also, avoid areas where  kinetic energy due to a heavy load or high speed, etc.,
            cutting chips, dust, spatter, etc. will come in contact  an external deceleration device should be considered to
            with the cylinder.                                  absorb the kinetic energy load. See stroke adjustment
                                                                and shock absorption option for more information.
            Under normal usage, the cylinder has an effective
            outer seal which prevents contamination from entering  Quality of Compressed Air
            the interior of the cylinder. However, under unusually  Use clean, dry compressed air to operate the cylinder.
            dusty or contaminated operating conditions, it is   This can be accomplished by installing a filter with
            recommended that the cylinder be mounted with the   a proper filtration rating and flow rate ahead of the
            carriage and outer seal facing down. When mounted   directional control valve and draining the filter regularly
            in this fashion, be sure to check the weight deflection  to ensure that no moisture or contaminants are allowed
            chart to ensure that the unsupported tube is not    into the system.
            overloaded. Inverted carriage mounts are available
            for use in these circumstances.                     Other Considerations
                                                                Avoid electric welding around the rodless cylinder as
            External Guides
                                                                current could be conducted through the cylinder tube
            When external guides are employed, ensure that      and destroy the cylinder.
            excessive forces are not transmitted to the cylinder
            due to friction, misalignment, or deflection of     Excessive inertia will cause the cylinder to malfunction.
            the external guides. Use of a swivel mount is       Ensure that inertial loads are within allowable range.
            recommended.                                        Deep scratches or dents on the cylinder tube from
                                                                external means may have an effect on cylinder
            Piping                                              performance.
            Piping should be of a rust resistant material and be of
            a sufficient internal area for piston speed required.  If negative pressure (vacuum) is caused in the
            Make sure that piping is clean and free from sealing  cylinder by excessive external force or inertial force,
            compound before connecting to system.               the pressure seal may be drawn away from the
                                                                cylinder body causing external leakage. Ensure that
                                                                no negative pressure or vacuum can be generated
                                                                inside the cylinder.

                                                                                         Parker Hannifin Corporation
                                                               5                         Actuator Division
                                                                                         Wadsworth, OH  44281
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