Page 18 - Parker - Rodless Air Cylinders
P. 18

Catalog #AU03-0928/NA                             Sizing Guidelines
            Technical Data                                    Rodless Cylinders

            Air Consumption
            Air consumption Q can be calculated using the following formula and table below.
            Q = 60   V1   q, SCFM where V1 – Average speed, in/sec.
                  *   *
            q – unit air volume per 1" of stroke, SCFM.
                       Pressure Air Vol.                  Standard Air Volume per 1" Stroke (SCFM)
               Bore       Per 1" Stk                                At Pressure (PSI)
                            Cu.  Ft.     10      20     30      40     50     60      70     80     90     100
                16          .00194        -       -    .0006   .0007  .0009  .0010   .0011  .0012   .0014  .0015
                20          .000282       -       -    .0009   .0010  .0012  .0014   .0016  .0018   .0020  .0022
                25          .000486       -     .0011  .0015   .0018  .0021  .0025   .0028  .0031   .0035  .0038
                32          .00729        -     .0017  .0022   .0027  .0032  .0037   .0042  .0047   .0052  .0057
                40          .001134       -     .0027  .0034   .0042  .0050  .0058   .0065  .0073   .0081  .0088
                50          .001782      .0030  .0042  .0054   .0066  .0078  .0091   .0103  .0115   .0127  .0139
                63          .002812      .0047  .0066  .0086   .0105  .0124  .0143   .0162  .0181   .0200  .0220

            Force Data
            To determine the thrust available from your rodless  Dynamic thrust values indicate the maximum recom-
            cylinder, enter the graph along the base at the pressure  mended load capacity for a cylinder in motion. In a
            to be supplied at the inlet of the cylinder. Project vertically  dynamic condition, there is pressure on the back side of
            to the appropriate thrust line. The corresponding value on  the piston (dependent upon the plumbing and valving
            the left axis is the available force from the cylinder. Static  used in the system) which must be overcome in addition
            thrust values indicate the force available when the  to moving a load. These factors, coupled with the
            cylinder is not in motion. (Note: Rodless cylinders are  compressibility of air and cylinder friction, result in
            not recommended for load holding applications. If used in  dynamic thrust being a percentage of static thrust. This
            this type of application a continuous pressure supply  graph assumes average conditions relative to air line
            must be maintained).                               sizes, system layout, component sizes, friction, etc.
                                                               The resulting dynamic thrust is approximately 50% of
                                                               corresponding static values.

                                                                                         Parker Hannifin Corporation
                                                              10                         Actuator Division
                                                                                         Wadsworth, OH  44281
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