Page 11 - Parker - Oil and Gas filtration and seperation solutions
P. 11
Feature Applications
Efficient Filtering for an Efficient Fuel Biogas
Natural gas goes through many stages before it can be used Biogas, made mostly of methane, is produced when bacteria
as energy. Typically, the process begins with production – decomposes biological matter in an anaerobic environment
locating and extracting the natural gas from beneath the typical of landfills, waste treatment plants and coal mines,
ground – and then moves to treatment, pipeline transport among other areas. Treatment filters from Parker are designed
and distribution. Along the way, Parker filters are used to to help treat captured biogas so it can be used in the natural
remove impurities in the gas, protecting the integrity and gas grid. In addition, Parker biogas treatment filters also
performance of processing equipment. Specifically, Parker protect costly equipment used in downstream applications.
filters are used in processes such as amine sweetening,
desiccant dehydration and glycol dehydration.
Producing Wells
Factories &
Compressor Biogas Landfill Manufacturers
Stations Power Plant
This bus runs
on CNG
Fuel Station &
Public Transportation Distribution Mains
Processing Businesses
Bioenergy Coolers/ Compressed Natural Gas High Pressure CNG On-Board CNG
Separators remove free Filter Vessels remove Filters offer high, Coalescing Filters
water from landfill or contamination from CNG medium, and low protect your CNG
digester biogas. during the production, pressure filtration options. vehicles’ fuel injector
treatment, and pipeline and regulator.
delivery stages.