Page 10 - Parker - Oil and Gas filtration and seperation solutions
P. 10

Natural Gas

              Natural Gas Processing

              Throughout the world, homes and businesses rely on   Natural gas now accounts for 23% of
              natural gas for heat, power, food preparation and more.   the world’s energy consumption and its
              Before natural gas can be used for these purposes, however,
              it must be extracted from underground wells, moved   demand is predicted to grow by 44%
              through pipelines, processed and refined. Parker products   through 2035.
              filter, dry and prepare the gas, removing impurities that
              could foul equipment used in the production, treatment,
              transport and distribution of this very clean-burning,
              efficient fuel. Parker filtration solutions can be found on
              the labeled applications in the illustration below.

                 Producing Wells

                                                                                                                                                                             Factories &
               Compressor                                                                    Biogas Landfill                                                                  Manufacturers
                   Stations                                               Power Plant

                                                                                                                                                                         This bus runs
                                                                                                                                                                         on CNG
                                                                                                                                        Fuel Station &
                                                                                                                                 Public Transportation         Distribution Mains

                      Processing                                                                                                                                                                                                      Businesses

              Nitrogen Generators      Siloxane Removal         Purgas Filters and Dryers   Bioenergy Chillers provide
              are used for inerting    Systems eliminate siloxane   are designed to filter and dry   chilled water for biogas
              compressed natural gas and   contamination from landfill   CNG, biogas, and for coal   cooling applications.
              other oil and gas pipelines.   gas and biogas.    bed methane applications.

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