Page 5 - Parker - Oil and Gas filtration and seperation solutions
P. 5

Feature Applications

              Hydraulic Fracturing                               Oil Well Completion
              Effective hydraulic fracturing relies on a combination   Clean completion fluids and brines are required
              of frac trucks, pumper trucks and water haulers. Before   for effective completion and maximum oil and gas
              recovered water can be used or returned to the ground,    production. They contribute to overall productivity.
              it must be treated. Parker water filters and water   Cleaning of completion fluids can be carried out with
              purification equipment assist in that treatment,   either a Filter Press or a Vertical Pressure Leaf Filter, both
              while hydraulic and fuel filters play a key role in the   in combination with Duplex Cartridge Filters, are used
              performance of the trucks, themselves.             for the final polishing of the fluid.

                Production                                                       Transport
                •  Air Compressors    •  Measurement/Analysis                    •  Cargo Tank Inerting
                •  Air Leak Detection &      Equipment                           •  Maintenance Vehicles
                  Condition Monitoring  •  Mobile Power Generation               •  Oil Tankers and Trucks
                •  Casing/Cementing   •  Pipe Handling Equipment                 •  Pipeline Pigging
                •  Coil Tubing Equipment  •  Well Clean-out                      •  Pipeline Stripping
                •  Fluid Conditioning  •  Well Control                             and Purging
                                      •  Well Stimulation

              Nitrogen Generators   The Duplex Cartridge   The Filter Press and   Process Filters &    Brackish
              produce dry, inert   Filter Unit offers a cost   Slurry Skid is designed for   Filter Vessels  Watermakers
              nitrogen used       effective way to clean-up   completion, work-over and   play an important role   produce potable
              for pressurizing    all oilfield fluids.  gravel pack fluids filtration.   in completion fluids   water from well-water
              mechanical gas seals.                                          and produced water.  sources for drilling
                                                                                                and fracturing.

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