Page 12 - Cover Letter and evaluation for Michael Hartzmark
P. 12
Your Prescription Drug Costs
These costs for your prescription drugs are based on the dosages and monthly quantities that you use.
These costs include each plan's premiums, deductible, and co-payments.
Pharmacy Information
Client pharmacy: Walgreens When you need a retail prescription filled or refilled, you will
usually get the lowest prices at one of your plan's preferred
pharmacies. A few plans, though, do not have preferred
Mail-Order Refills
Is Walgreens a preferred pharmacy in these plans' networks? Other preferred pharmacies
Mutual of Omaha Rx Premier No CVS and Walmart
Prescription Drug Plan
Clear Spring Health Premier Rx No CVS and Walmart
Prescription Drug Plan
y g
Lowest-cost stand-alone drug plan for 2021
Mutual of Omaha Rx Premier Clear Spring Health Premier Rx
If you get a Medigap policy, you will also Prescription Drug Plan (not Prescription Drug Plan (not
need to enroll in a stand-alone drug available in 2020) available in 2020)
plan. To enroll, call the plan's toll-free
number (800) 961-9006 (877) 317-6082
Monthly premium $25.90 $13.50
Est. annual costs for monthly refills at a $641 $700
CVS pharmacy
Est. annual costs for monthly refills at a $994 $1,012
Walgreens pharmacy
Est. annual costs for monthly refills at a
Walmart pharmacy $649 $716
Est. annual costs for mail order refills $545 $635
2.5 out of 5 stars (below
This plan's Medicare quality rating Plan too new to be measured