Page 3 - 2022 Missions Brochure
P. 3

Final Harvest Ministries Dr. Gerald Johnson

                                  Dr. Gerald had a recent bout  with covid that
                                  made it necessary to come home on oxygen
                                  when discharged from the hospital. But this
                                  retired pastor,  with an evangelist’s heart,  will
                                  be busy spreading the Gospel again  when
                                  his strength returns. He and  wife Norma are
                                  seasoned intercessors, who are full of the Word,
                                  and they will continue to  point souls to the Lord
                                  as opportunities
                                  arise. Watch  a
                                  video link of Dr.
                                  Gerald on  the
                                  church mission

       Leadership International Dr. Don Crum

       An amazing door has opened for Dr.
       Don to travel to Nigeria the last two
       weeks of January, 2023 to minister
       in the same soccer stadium where
       Reinhard Bonnke held his final
       crusade. Dr. Don and his family
       lived in Nigeria for over seven years
       and saw miracles happen there,
       including the dead raised. He also
       ministers in a West African church
       in Longview, Texas. He shared about
       a miracle that happened  when he
       was preaching in Nigeria and the
       Longview pastor shouted, “I  was
       there and saw it with my own eyes!”
       The two men had not made the
       connection previously. So this man, who moved from Nigeria to America, has
       contacted many pastors there and invited them to participate in a celebration
       and commemorative crusade. Thousands are expected. Dr. Don needs finances
       AND prayer for what could be a huge crusade type event in Nigeria.
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