Page 5 - 2022 Missions Brochure
P. 5

Impartation Ministries International Ben Holloway

                                                When the initial lockdown
                                                from Covid hit in March
                                                of 2020, Ben sensed an
                                                urgency to stay in contact
                                                with the ministries he had
                                                connected  with  for  40  years.
                                                He started WELCOME TO THE
                                                FRONTLINE,  a.k.a. W.T.T.F.L.,
                                                a  weekly teleconference that
                                                has  continued for  over  125
                                                consecutive  weeks. It has
                                                provided    encouragement,
                                                support and restoration to
       Ben has trips planned to Tongaat, South Africa and Cape Town in October, to
       Villahermosa, Mexico in November
       and  a Pastor’s  Conference in
       Honduras in January.
       We will continue to fuel Ben’s travels
       and his passion to reach the lost, as
       well as his more recent calling to
       support ministers through W.T.T.F.L.

       Street Life Ministries David and Robin Van Fleet

       This  year eleven teams made their  way to New
       York City to assist StreetLife in reaching out to
       the homeless.  That  was, in part, because  young
       people involved in YWAM served with them since
       overseas trips were not available.
       The most pressing need is for staff and interns to
       join their team. It takes several people to do all
       the  work StreetLife undertakes  weekly, such as
       the trips to  Tompkins Park, serving food to the
       homeless, prepping clothing to take out for the
       giveaway programs and praying with people. They
                                         also have
                                         an ongoing outreach called Beautiful
                                         Ones  that touches  the lives of  those
                                         involved in sex trafficking.
                                         We will continue to support our friends
                                         David and Robin and all they are
                                         involved with in NYC!
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