Page 7 - 2022 Missions Brochure
P. 7
Israel - US Colette Cheramie - 2020 Recommission
Colette felt led to come back to America from Israel
to pray over our nation before the election of 2020.
Then covid restrictions kept her from returning
to Israel. She took full advantage of her time in
America to drive thousands of miles, interceding
for the nation and attending hundreds of hours
of prayer events.
She also has stayed
in close contact
with an Israeli friend
who has a ministry
in Kurdistan to
displaced Yazidis.
Colette made a trip
over there earlier this year and will return soon. She
went back to Israel last month. Colette continues
to network with strategic leaders and has the
availability to often be “boots on the ground”
when and where God leads her. Her commitment
will keep her overseas until at least March.
Merida, Mexico Mark and Altia Legters
Like most other ministries, the Legters work
was slowed greatly by restrictions in the past
year. However, they are now regularly sending
10 people out to the main town square to do
evangelism in Merida and engage people one
on one. Several people have responded to the
gospel and been added to local churches.
A men’s retreat in the spring drew 125 men, 10
getting saved and 10 recommitting their lives.
Their happiest news is the engagement and
upcoming December wedding of their daughter Ellie.
Despite a back injury for Altia and a car wreck Mark was involved in, their
newsletter ended with Ps 71: My tongue will talk of your righteous help all the
day long.