Page 9 - 2022 Missions Brochure
P. 9
Strategic Mission Fund FGC
This contingency fund meets needs not
specifically addressed in our conference.
We help with unexpected expenses such
as flooding or assisting missionaries
with an immediate need. This year we
helped Richard Jolliff’s church fund a
mission trip, shipped boxes of clothing
to Street Life, fixed comfort baskets for
the medical staff at Marietta Memorial
on 3 occasions and helped our friend
Tom Demaree with his current prayer
walk assignment. This fund helps us
respond to outreach needs in a timely
Women’s Care Center Parkersburg
Women’s Care Center is a Christ-centered medical
clinic offering life-affirming choices for pregnancy
and sexual health for over 30 years. They have
provided 223 ultrasounds this year. Their state-
of-the-art facility includes exam and consultation
rooms, and a baby boutique where parents can get
monthly necessities. WCC earned their AAAHC
accreditation last year and are currently in the process of expanding their
medical services. An Advocacy Director was hired in 2021 to coordinate volunteer
efforts and non-medical programs. In 2022, the first Nurse Practitioner was
hired to allow expansion of STI (STD)
services. WCC shares the message of
abstinence in local schools with over
2,000 students each year. In 2022,
the gospel has been shared with 78
Church Mission Trips
We have a goal of sending teams of
teens and/or adults to Mexico and to the
Indian reservations on outreaches within
the next 18 months. This is in the early
planning stages but we have reached out
to two of our friends, Dr. Don Crum and
Dr. Patti Amsden, who frequently minister
on the reservations, to see if we could be
of any help. We will start fundraising to
offset the cost of these future projects.