Page 8 - 2022 Missions Brochure
P. 8
International Leadership Embassy Dr. Hope Taylor
Hope has served as President of International
Leadership Embassy since its inception in 2004.
ILE’s emphasis the past year has been leading
weekly prayer teams focused on America, her
current challenges and her eternal purposes as
ordained by Father. Through zoom meetings,
conference calls and some in-person leaders
conferences, ILE continues to be a passionate
voice mobilizing & educating the church. Since
2004 ILE has identified with and heralded Captain
Nathan Hale’s historic final words before being
hung by the British in New York City in 1776: “I only
regret that I have but one life to lose for my country!’
ILE accompanied a team of Kingdom leaders in late 2020 traveling to numerous
strategic sites rallying prayer, faith and
engagement in light of the political & cultural
upheaval around the 2020 Presidential election.
ILE’s cry to America continues to be ‘America’s
best days are ahead!’
New India Evangelical Association Dr. Alex Philip
The translation work promoted by New India Evang
Assoc. has made great strides in translating Bible
stories into the mother tongue. 199 pastoral leaders
were trained in using
mother tongue Bible
storying and Scripture
this past year. 2,719
translated Scriptures
have been distributed.
Bihar, India was hit hard with three waves of
Covid. But now hundreds of children have
returned to the 12 schools organized by NIEA.
Five hundred children live in the orphanages. NIEA has the first Bible School
accredited in Bihar. The newly built nursing school was dedicated in April of
2022. Despite covid restrictions, NIEA has made great progress this past year
under the capable leadership of
Dr. Alex and his staff. We will
continue to support the work in the
orphanages by sponsoring children
and assisting with food, clothing
and school materials.