Page 172 - Carrollton 2002
P. 172
Masses at Carrollton are an opportunity for the
whole com m unity to gather in prayer. The stu
dent body, teachers and guests all attend this
glorious celebration. We celebrate holy days
which m ark special m om ents such as gradua
tion, Ring Ceremony, First Holy Com m union
and special anniversaries. Traditionally, the
Headmistress o f the school gives an opening
reflection to em phasize the them e of the M ass.
\ section of the school is picked to plan the
Vlass such as who is going to read scripture
ind who will carry the Bible dow n the aisle,
rhe High School, Junior High, Intermediate and
}rimary usually will be in charge o f one M ass
>r m ore o f the school year. Since students of
[ifferent grades are usually in different build-
ngs they do not get to see each other on a
:aily basis. M asses are the joy, the spirit and
te worship of G od which is the link that brings
ur school together.