Page 120 - Carrollton 1994
P. 120


                                                                                       The  Environm ental
                                                                                        Com m ittee  provides
                                                                                        Carrollton  students
                                                                                        with  an aw aren ess o f
                                                                                        current environm ental
                                                                                        issues. T he objective  is
                                                                                        to d o as  m uch a s  p o s­
                                                                                        sible to conserve the
                                                                                        environm ent through
                                                                                        activities such a s the
                                                                                        spon sorsh ip o f m an a­

        Top (L to R): Christine Rohrbeck,  Stephanie  Rad,  Mrs.  Bango,  Lauren  Mack,  Lorena Vollrath, Ali
        Codina, Uchenna Ukaegbu,  Iris Guzman, Ana Espino, Wendy Charon


                                                                                        The  Perform ance C o m ­
                                                                                        m ittee's go al  is to con ­
                                                                                        duct plays and  skits
                                                                                        that will  entertain  the
                                                                                        Carrollton  community.
                                                                                        This com m ittee  is
                                                                                        h eaded   b Mr.  d e  los
                                                                                        Santos, the  head  o f th<
                                                                                        D ram a  Departm ent.

        Top  (L  to  R):  Ivette  Palacios,  Christy  Fernandez,  Cornelia  James,  Patty  Rodriguez,
        Suzette  Menendez,  Jessie  Sierra,  Carmen  Algeciras,  Diana  Carenzo,  Kristine  Rivas,
        Josie Ruiz, Christine Cover,  Pam  Perez,  Heather Rothenberg,  Mr.  de los Santos, Olivia
        Mattson, Dianycel Perez, Nicole Corona, Genevieve Rosenthal, Tiffany Ramirez, Melissa
        Gronlier, Natalie Descalzo,Manuela Menendez, Christina Pelleya-Khouri

                                                                                                           p v’V
                                                                                   Clubs and Committees
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