Page 124 - Carrollton 1994
P. 124



                                      Top  (L  to  R):  Isabel  Stallone,  Elizabeth  Gonzalez,  Adriana  Caporal,  Jessica  Lastra,
                                      Vanessa Garcia, Francis Pando, Ana Recio, Patty Taboas, A. J. Fuentes, Alexis Guzman,
                                      Ana Espino, Ana Lopez, Jaela Lopez, Carmen Kroepil, Kiki Canto, Cielo Alleyn, Raegan
                                      Randolph, Yanik Fernandez,  Maria Ig. del Oro, Cris Mariaca,  Lydia de Augustino, Julie
      T h e  K ey  C lu b   is  th e    Macias,  Iris  Guzman,  Esty  Suarez,  Dawn  Lavender,  Maggie  Corral,  Cristina  Ortega,
                                      Camille  Tie-Shue,  Heather  Rothenberg,  Alex  Mayorga,  Pam  Perez,  Trissie  Casanova,
   largest  high  school  o rg a n i­
                                      Kelly Patterson, Melissa Cruz, Wendy Charon
   zation  in  the  w orld  an d   its
   objective  is  to  provide  se r­
   vice to the school, the c o m ­
   munity,  and  to  all  m ankind
   in  general.  This  is  C arroll­
   ton's  first  year  to  take  part
    in  the  Key  C lu b .  H e a th e r
    Rothenberg,  a junior,  m a d e
    this  possible.  T h e  clu b  h as
    been   a b le   to  a c h ie v e   its
    g o a ls    a n d    o b je c t i v e s
    th ro u g h   th e ir  v o lu n t e e r
   I work.
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