Page 123 - Carrollton 1994
P. 123


              The Film Com ­
              mittee,  headed
                   by Carmen
             Kroepil,  is creat­
           ed to increase the
            appreciation and
               awareness for
              film in the Car­
           rollton Com m uni­
              ty.  It allows stu­
              dents to have a
            wide perspective
              on the different
            films m ade such
           as, classics, com ­
              edy, adventure,
            and much more.            Top (L  to R):  Ms. Vizzi, Anais Martinez, Julie  Macias,  Latoya  Scott,  Erika  Pastoriza,  Cam ill
                                      Tobon, Marcela Zamora,  Louise Vasquez. Carmen Kroepil, Angie Romano, Christina Algal
                                      ciras, Cristina Murciano, Rosanna Zumpano


              Carrollton Con­
            gress is m ade up
                of an elected
           group of students
           who work togeth­
           er throughout the
            year. During this
             time they review
               proposals and
            prepare activities
                  for the high
            school. The goal
           of Carrollton Con­
              gress is to pro­
              mote spirit and
           within the school.

                                      Top  iL  to  R):  Kiki  Canto  (Senior  Class  President),  Mr.  Crockwell  (Faculty  Rep.),  Mealei
                                      Gillingham  (Committee  Coor.),  Kristina  Hernandez  (Junior  Class  President),  Renee  Str:
                                      (Freshmen Class President),  Maite Blanco (Student Body Vice-President),  Rozalynn  Fraei
                                      'Sophomore Class  Presidenti.  Kira  Kelly  (Student  Sec./Treasurer),  Gigi  Otalvaro  (Stutn
                                      Body  Presidenti, Mrs. Trujillo iFaculty Rep.i, Ms. Crain (Administrative  Rep.)

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