Page 123 - Carrollton 1994
P. 123
The Film Com
mittee, headed
by Carmen
Kroepil, is creat
ed to increase the
appreciation and
awareness for
film in the Car
rollton Com m uni
ty. It allows stu
dents to have a
wide perspective
on the different
films m ade such
as, classics, com
edy, adventure,
and much more. Top (L to R): Ms. Vizzi, Anais Martinez, Julie Macias, Latoya Scott, Erika Pastoriza, Cam ill
Tobon, Marcela Zamora, Louise Vasquez. Carmen Kroepil, Angie Romano, Christina Algal
ciras, Cristina Murciano, Rosanna Zumpano
Carrollton Con
gress is m ade up
of an elected
group of students
who work togeth
er throughout the
year. During this
time they review
proposals and
prepare activities
for the high
school. The goal
of Carrollton Con
gress is to pro
mote spirit and
within the school.
Top iL to R): Kiki Canto (Senior Class President), Mr. Crockwell (Faculty Rep.), Mealei
Gillingham (Committee Coor.), Kristina Hernandez (Junior Class President), Renee Str:
(Freshmen Class President), Maite Blanco (Student Body Vice-President), Rozalynn Fraei
'Sophomore Class Presidenti. Kira Kelly (Student Sec./Treasurer), Gigi Otalvaro (Stutn
Body Presidenti, Mrs. Trujillo iFaculty Rep.i, Ms. Crain (Administrative Rep.)
122 Clubs Committees