Page 121 - Carrollton 1994
P. 121
The Athletic
Com m ittee pro
vides spirit am o n g
the students and
support for the
athletes. They plan
activities such as
intramurals and
pep-rallies to
boost the spirit
am o n g the stu
Top (L to R): Mrs. Rotella, Tanya Llosa, Mary Mahaney, Cielo Alleyn, Alexis Guzman, Raegan Ran
dolph, Cris Mariaca, Meagan Robinson, Carola Cabezas, Melissa Perez, Maira Jose Carvajo, Adri
ana Caporal
The Choral C om
mittee w as created
to spread the jo y
and beauty of
singing. They prac
tice so n gs before
hand, which en a
bles them to lead
the rest o f the Car
rollton students
during so n g prac
tice and m ass.
Top (L to R): Norr Cassira, Alex Feldman, Carolina rtarajo, Wrood Cassira, Liza de Fabio,
Ortiz, Erica Rivera, Dulce Hernandez, Lesley de la Torre, Jaela Lopez
120 Clubs and Committees