Page 122 - Carrollton 1994
P. 122
Top (L to R): Christie Camacho, Ana Lopez Santos, Ana T h e Social/Pep & Spirit C om m ittee's
pnzalez, Michelle Mazzei, Cristina Navarro, Carissa Gian-
grandi, Ana Lopez, Veronica Raaijen, Germaine Gurr, p u rp o se is to increase the spirit a m o n g
ilexis Calleja, Karla Pita, Vanessa Acosta, Maitee Hernan the Carrollton students. They provide the
dez, Carolina Guiterrez, Patty Pujals, Regina Coello, Car-
lianne Panzer, Lisa Gonzalez, Ana Puentes, Diangie H igh Sch ool with a m o re spirited envi
Brockman, Yvette Villoldo, Annie De Leon, Monica ronm ent. They plan the m any fun-filled
Bolano, Annie-Laurie Gabriel, Nicole Corona, Alex
Rodriguez, Caro Bergaz, Ariette Gonzalez, Laura Kelly, activities th rou gh the year that further
Aimee Ferrer, Jessica Lera, Katrina Alvarez
prom ote unity.
Committees C $ s l2 1