Page 27 - Carrollton 2001
P. 27
“Will you survive??? was the question asked at thisyear’s Field
Day held on Fridra. November 17,2000. Sponsored dv the Sopho
more Cihssfethe event hadn popular theme taken from the show .1
“Survivor,” and brought together the blue and roid teams from the
Junior High and the HighSchool for an all out spirit contest.gfThe
featured games,'also called challenges, imitated those obstacles from
the show, one being fishing for rats. Along with the survival games,
typical activities, likebobbing for apples and relay races, did not
fail to be part of the overall challenge.
Some things that made this year’s Field Day unique were the pin^i
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colada drinks and the DJ who kept spirits up with great tunes.
Senior AnylirfMoreno exclaimed, >*This Field Day has been the mosi)
entertaining and unique. The Sophomore Class did an excellentjob
preparing and organizing;this event.”***
In the end, the^Blue Team proved to be victorious with great
banners, more spirit, and tremendous ability to survive Field Day
Top: Seniors Gaby Greco and Veronica
Alvarez —VVero, don’t get paint in my eye.”
Middle: Go BLUUUUUUUE! f t .
Bottom: How low can eighth grader Cristina
Cartagena go?
Sophomores Keri-Ann Lachman and Lauren Marquez
Right: Freshmen show gold powerl