Page 50 - Esmae 07.12.22
P. 50
Flexible Describe Helpful Unhelpful
When people are
I am flexible. When working in a persuading us to do
team and needing for something unhealthy,
I manage ok when everyone’s ideas to unhelpful or
things change. be included. dangerous.
I can give up a bit When plans need to When it is important
of what I want so change e.g. it is to stick closely to the
everyone is happy. raining and a picnic is rules to keep
everyone safe and
I can see things healthy.
from other people’s When with others When a job needs
who want to do
point of view. something different. determination to get
Rigid Describe Helpful Unhelpful
I am rigid. When working in a
▪Keeping to a rule or team and needing
I stick to the rules. what they believe in everyone to be
and staying loyal to flexible and give up a
Fairness is a cause or passion bit of what they want
important to me. for the good of the
▪Keeping going and
I stick to what I staying on track group.
believe and am even when others When the rules need
loyal. change their mind to be changed for
▪Persuading people good reasons.
I keep going, even and getting jobs When with others
when it is hard done who want to do
work. something different.